Making the Earth
More Stable
Technical Library

Welcome to the new Western Stabilization Technical Library. Here you will find an assortment of industry specific downloadable files that provide resources and information.
SDS Sheets
Safety Data Sheets for products used in the Soil Stabilization Process.
Lhoist North America-High Calcium Quicklime
Material Specifications
Typical chemical and sieve analysis of commonly used stabilization products.
Case Studies
Featured projects completed by Western Stabilization.
Hwy 20 Foamed Asphalt Recycling (.pdf/775k)
UC Berkley ITS Foamed Asphalt Study (.pdf/415k)
Financial Benefits of Foamed Asphalt Recycling (.pdf/2374k)
Process Specifications
Specifications for lime cement and cold foam processes.
Western's Soil Stabilization Presentation (.ppt/436k)
Bulletin 326 National Lime Association (.pdf/864k)
Chico Foam Spec (.pdf/188k)
Chico Free Oil Spec (.pdf/280k)
Published articles associated with Western Stabilization Projects.
Operating Engineers "Foam Asphalt" article pg.1 (.jpg/357k)
Operating Engineers "Foam Asphalt" article pg.2 (.jpg/367k)
Foamed Asphalt Coast to Coast Wirtgen America (.htm/19k)
Better Roads Foam Asphalt Article July 2006 Issue (.pdf/291k)
Tech Transfer Newsletter 2008 (.pdf/909k)
Asphalt Contractor Mag '30 mile foam' article 2008 (.pdf/839k)
Graymont Grazette article (.pdf/169k)
Full-depth reclamation is tested at U.C. Pavement (.pdf/4130k)
Safety Tips
Helpful safety information concerning stabilization materials and processes.